Same Love

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that ALL people have a right to marry. I then proceeded to social media (which was a super huge mistake on my part. I admit that.) and saw that my Facebook feed was littered with statuses both positive and negative about it. I normally don't comment or post on hot-button issues because I honestly don't have time or the patience to defend my views to some bigoted and closed minded, hateful people. I am all for people having their own thoughts, but some of the statuses and comments were just truly ridiculous.

People that I've known for over ten years, spewing hatred. Not thoughts, no ideas, just straight hatred, and my thought is why?

Why is there so much hatred and outrage for people who want to express one thing: Love

How is it hurting you? Of course we all hear from the bible thumpers that express how it is a sin. The last time I checked, all sin was equal. For all sin, the wage is death. What makes this one so unforgivable? How do you console yourself with your consistent premarital sex that resulted in multiple children by people that you aren't married to or are married to others? I'll wait.

My point is: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I didn't think that getting married was hurting anyone. Apparently, according to people on Facebook, Jesus is coming back, and the world is going to end.

It also seems that a lot of people that have problems with same sex marriages (or at least the ones that were on my feed) are unmarried, never have been married, and have bastard children. Us getting married isn't going to stop you from doing so. Since the sanctity of marriage is so important to you, why haven't you married that one you've been messing around with for 3 years plus? It's okay for people like Kim Kardashian, Elizabeth Taylor (who has been married 8 times to seven husbands) and Brittney Spears to marry multiple times and not be seen as destroying the sanctity of marriage. However, two consenting adults who have been together for years are finally allowed to be married, and everyone loses their freaking minds. Get off it.

Do you know that only 48 years ago, a discussion like this arose about interracial marriages? That's right. Interracial marriage has been legal in all states for only 48 years. When this was signed into law by the Supreme Court, did stars fall? Did the mountains crumble? Did the trumpets sound, and rivers turn to blood? Hell no. Why? Because love doesn't hurt anybody. If two gays getting married really offends you like that, then you might want to look within yourself because you might have some homo tendencies there, buddy.

I've mentioned before that I don't think of myself as the marrying type. Once upon a time, I did but have let go of that thought. Today, however, I actually have hope that I will one day again entertain the notion of sharing the remainder of my life with someone. Maybe it took something like this to spark that desire again. Who knows.

I do want to leave you with an assignment. I want you to comment and let me know where in the NEW TESTAMENT that is says that God is against homosexuality. I know that there are some passages in the Old Testament, but we're not living in the Old Testament, are we? We are in the New. That was the reason why Jesus came. If he didn't, we'd still be offering sacrifices of doves, bulls, and rams. Think on that.

Until next time....

One Love


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